Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
OnlineTreatment of acute deep vein thrombosis and chronic deep venous obstruction (2023) – online course

Treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis and chronic deep venous obstruction (2023) – online course


Please note that this course is no longer CME accredited and will be taken offline January 02, 2027.

Authors: R. de Graaf and G. O’Sullivan

Reviewers: T. Kratimenos, A. Mahnken, H. Moriarty, J. Nadjiri and C. Nice

This course corresponds to chapters Venous disorders and Venous thrombosis and insufficiency in the European Curriculum and Syllabus for IR.



Deep venous intervention is an area that was barely taught at the start of many interventional radiological careers thirty years ago, and yet now, it is something the two authors perform perhaps 70% of their working lives. So, what has changed?

From the early 1990s to now, there has been a significant shift in the management of patients with venous disease. Venous thrombo-embolism (VTE) remains a huge public health issue, killing more patients in Western Europe than the combined total of AIDS, breast cancer, prostate cancer and road traffic accidents.

For many decades, DVT was only treated conservatively by oral anticoagulants and compression. It is now know that up to 50% of DVT patients undergoing conservative management develop post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS). Progression to PTS is variable and may take several months or even longer. Bypass surgery has never been fully adopted as a treatment option due to poor long-term results and invasiveness. Over the last two decades, however, endovascular treatment has been introduced, improved and established as the primary treatment strategy to treat chronic deep venous obstructions.


Learning objectives

  • Become familiar with the different imaging techniques for pre-, peri-, and post-operative situations.
  • Understand the differences in approach between acute and chronic intervention.
  • How to approach a patient with acute deep venous disease, and how to choose those patients most likely to benefit.
  • Know the indications and contra-indications which apply for different forms of thrombus removal.
  • Understand the rationale for stent placement, and know how to safely deploy stents.
  • How to achieve good outcomes following deep venous intervention by adhering to certain principles.

Note: We intend to concentrate on the lower limbs in this course.


Further information

This course covers a basic level of IR knowledge and is designed for trainees, students or young consultants aiming to acquire essential knowledge or prepare for the EBIR exam. Thereby, it is tailored to the European Curriculum and Syllabus for IR and corresponds to chapters Venous disorders and Venous thrombosis and insufficiency.

The format of the course is interactive and easy to use, including texts, graphics, videos and a quiz to support your learning. The course duration is around one hour.

The acquired CME Certificate will be available in the myCIRSE area under CIRSE Academy.

The enrolment period of this course is linked to the validity of the All-Access Pass.

Release date: January 2023