Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe
OnlineTreatment of benign renal masses and perirenal collections (2022) – online course

Treatment of benign renal masses and perirenal collections (2022) – online course


Please note that this course is no longer CME accredited.


Authors: D. Filippiadis and A. Ryan

Reviewers: P. Freyhardt, A. Kelekis, M. Krokidis, C. Nice and W. Uller

This course corresponds to chapter Renal masses and perirenal collections in the European Curriculum and Syllabus for Interventional Radiology.



The most frequently encountered benign renal masses include renal cysts, angiomyolipoma (AML), oncocytoma, and inflammatory pseudotumours or pseudolesions. Malignancy risk in cystic renal masses can be stratified according to the Bosniak classification. Contrast enhanced transaxial imaging and percutaneous, image-guided biopsy can be used to characterise benign solid renal masses. The indications and decision to treat these lesions must be based on the specific presentation of the mass and the patient’s general condition. In addition to percutaneous biopsy for diagnostic purposes, sclerotherapy, percutaneous ablation and trans-arterial embolisation are therapeutic techniques included in the interventional radiology armamentarium. In general, all minimally invasive therapies for benign renal masses are safe and necessitate only minor peri-procedural provisions. Symptomatic renal cysts may be decompressed and sclerosed effectively. Renal and perirenal collections can be effectively managed by percutaneous drainage.


Learning objectives

  • To know the incidence and classification of solid and cystic renal mass lesions
  • To understand the clinical presentation and physical findings of benign renal masses and perirenal collections
  • To understand the pre-procedural workup of patients undergoing drainage and biopsy procedures, including the required laboratory investigations
  • To demonstrate a detailed understanding of patient preparation, local anaesthetic administration and sedation
  • To understand the role of percutaneous biopsy, diagnostic aspiration and drainage procedures
  • To understand the role of sclerotherapy in the management of cystic renal lesions


Further information

This course covers a basic level of IR knowledge and is designed for trainees, students or young consultants aiming to acquire essential knowledge or prepare for the EBIR exam. Thereby, it is tailored to the European Curriculum and Syllabus for Interventional Radiology and corresponds to chapter Renal masses and perirenal collections.

The format of the course is interactive and easy to use, including texts, graphics, videos and a quiz to support your learning. The course duration is around two hours.

The enrolment period of this course is linked to the validity of the All-Access Pass.

Release date: September 2022