Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe

CIRSE standards of practice documents

CIRSE’s standards of practice documents are designed to provide a reference for physicians on topics relevant to the field of interventional radiology. While the information stated in these documents is believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither the Standards of Practice Committee members, their working group members nor CIRSE can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions made.

YearDocument Main author
2024CIRSE Standards of Practice on Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic ShuntsP. Lucatelli
2024CIRSE Standards of Practice on Portal Vein Embolization and Double Vein Embolization/Liver Venous DeprivationT. Bilhim
2024CIRSE Standards of Practice on Carotid Artery StentingS. Spiliopoulos
2024CIRSE Standards of Practice on Management of Endoleaks Following Endovascular Aneurysm Repair J.-Y. Chun
2023CIRSE Standards of Practice for the Endovascular Treatment of Visceral and Renal Artery Aneurysms and PseudoaneurysmsM. Rossi
2023CIRSE Standards of Practice on Oesophageal and Gastroduodenal StentingA. Diamantopoulos
2023CIRSE Standards of Practice on Arterial Access for InterventionsE. Kashef
2022CIRSE Standards of Practice on Varicocele EmbolisationA. M. Ierardi
2022CIRSE Standards of Practice on Bronchial Artery EmbolisationJ. Kettenbach
2022CIRSE Standards of Practice on Thermal Ablation of Bone TumoursA. Ryan
2021CIRSE Standards of Practice on Hepatic Transarterial ChemoembolisationP. Lucatelli
2021CIRSE Standards of Practice on Percutaneous Transhepatic Cholangiography, Biliary Drainage and StentingM. Das
2021CIRSE Standards of Practice on Below-the-Knee RevascularisationS. Spiliopoulos
2021CIRSE Standards of Practice on Conducting Meetings on Morbidity and MortalityJ.-Y. Chun
2021CIRSE Standards of Practice on Peri-operative Anticoagulation Management During Interventional Radiology ProceduresM. Hadi/R. Uberoi
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Gynaecological and
Obstetric Haemorrhage
T. Rand
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Analgesia and Sedation for Interventional Radiology in AdultsS. Romagnoli/F. Fanelli
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Thermal Ablation of Liver TumoursL. Crocetti
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Thermal Ablation of Primary and Secondary Lung TumoursM.Venturini
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Arteriovenous MalformationsS. Müller-Hülsbeck
2020CIRSE Standards of Practice on Prostatic Artery EmbolisationF. Cornelis
2017Cirse Quality Assurance Document and Standards for Classification of Complications: The CIRSE Classification SystemD. K. Filippiadis
2017CIRSE Guidelines on Percutaneous Needle Biopsy (PNB)A. Veltri
2017CIRSE Guidelines on Percutaneous Vertebral AugmentationG. Tsoumakidou
2016CIRSE Guidelines on Percutaneous Ablation of Small Renal Cell CarcinomaM. Krokidis
2016CIRSE Guidelines on GastrostomyJ. Suttcliffe
2016The Provision of Interventional Radiology Services in EuropeD. Tsetis
2015CIRSE Quality Assurance Guidelines for Superior
Vena Cava Stenting in Malignant Disease
R. Uberoi
2015Uterine Artery Embolization for Symptomatic LeiomyomataH. van Overhagen/ J. Reekers
2014CIRSE Guidelines on Endovascular Treatment in Aortoiliac Arterial DiseaseM. Rossi
2014CIRSE Standards of Practice Guidelines on Iliocaval StentingA. Mahnken
2014Standards of Practice for Superficial Femoral and Popliteal Artery Angioplasty and StentingK. Katsanos
2013CIRSE Quality Assurance Guidelines for the Endovascular Treatment of Occlusive Lesions of the Subclavian and Innominate ArteriesA. Mahnken
2012Quality Improvement Guidelines for Endovascular Treatment of Traumatic HemorrhageS. Chakraverty
2011Standard of Practice for the Interventional Management of Isolated Iliac Artery AneurysmsR. Uberoi
2011Quality Improvement Guidelines for Percutaneous Catheter-Directed Intra-Arterial Thrombolysis and Mechanical Thrombectomy for Acute Lower-Limb IschemiaD. Karnabatidiscurrently under revision
2010Quality Improvement Guidelines for Bone Tumour ManagementA. Gangirevised 2022 by A. Ryan et al.
2010Occupational Radiation Protection in Interventional Radiology: A Joint Guideline of the Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology Society of Europe and the Society of Interventional RadiologyJoint CIRSE/SIRcurrently under revision
2010Quality Assurance Guidelines for Percutaneous Treatments of Intervertebral DiscsA. Kelekis
2009Standard of Practice for the Endovascular Treatment of Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Type B DissectionsF. Fanellicurrently under revision
2009Quality Improvement Guidelines for Percutaneous Inferior Vena Cava Filter Placement for the Prevention of Pulmonary EmbolismJ. A. Reekerscurrently under revision