Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe

Committees and task forces overview

Over twenty committees support CIRSE’s work throughout the year. Thanks to the outstanding commitment and voluntary work of the many leading experts in these committees, the society has been able to develop a broad range of activities and projects with the aim of advancing interventional radiology worldwide.

The society’s standing committees are elected biennially, while subcommittees and task forces are created by the Executive Committee in order to develop CIRSE’s work in a specific area of IR. For specific projects, the Executive Committee can establish time-limited expert panels, so-called task forces, which will execute a predefined mandate in a time frame of twelve to twenty-four months.

As a membership-based organization, CIRSE very much welcomes active participation of volunteers in its committees and working groups, and encourages IRs as well as other medical specialists in all stages of their career to get involved and help us advance IR together. Interested members have two options to get involved:

CIRSE Executive Committee Elections

Society elections are held biennially and give CIRSE members, who are eligible according to the CIRSE Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure, the opportunity to put themselves forward for different positions on the Executive Board, the Executive Committee and the three standing committees.

Standing committees

The standing committees actively support specific society agendas as nominated by the Executive Committee. Chairpersons and members of the standing committees are elected by the CIRSE General Assembly. Their term of office is two years.

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee is CIRSE’s advisory body in charge of reviewing and approving applications for individual CIRSE membership and fellowship, as outlined in CIRSE’s articles of association. Learn more about CIRSE membership. 

Alex BarnacleChairperson
Irene Bargellini
Sanne de Boer
Juan José Ciampi-Dopazo
Uli Fehrenbach
Christian Wissgott

Research Committee

The Research Committee is the Society’s advisory body in charge of providing knowledge and expertise in the field of interventional radiology research. In this role, the Research Committee makes recommendations on strategic questions and identifies priority areas for future society-led research initiatives. Learn more about CIRSE’s research activities.

Roberto Luigi CazzatoChairperson          
Fernando Gómez Muñoz
Nimit Goyal
Gerd Grözinger
Anna Maria Ierardi
Moritz Wildgruber

Standards of Practice Committee

The Standards of Practice Committee is responsible for contributing to and overseeing the creation of the CIRSE Standards of Practice documents that assist IRs in their daily practice and help improve the quality of interventional radiological patient care. Learn more about CIRSE’s Standards of Practice documents.

Anthony Ryan
Athanasios Diamantopoulos
Edit Dósa
Bernhard Gebauer
Francesco Giurazza
Maria Tsitskari


Subcommittees are established by the Executive Committee and provide continuous expertise in specific medical topics as assigned to them by the Executive Committee.

Endovascular Subcommittee

The Endovascular Subcommittee was formally constituted in 2016 to advise the society on questions related to endovascular therapies, and to develop and launch projects that will support IR in this field. Click here to learn more about the committee and its projects.

Robert MorganChairperson
Fabrizio Fanelli
Patrick Haage
Mohamad Hamady
Hicham Kobeiter
Romaric Loffroy
Stefan Müller-Hüllsbeck
Gerard O'Sullivan
Carla van Rijswijk
Maria Antonella Ruffino
Florian Wolf

European Trainee Forum (ETF) Subcommittee

The ETF Subcommittee was established in 2015 with the aim to provide expertise on IR training and career development, representing CIRSE junior members and other IRs in training at the beginning of their career. The subcommittee actively supports the next generation of IRs through dedicated activities and networking opportunities at the annual congress. Learn more about the ETF.

AustriaGregor LaimerCatharina Klausenitz
BelgiumEveline ClausNico Vanlerberghe
Bosnia and HerzegovinaKristian KarlovićMelita Golubica
CroatiaAntonio BulumVitorio Perić
CyprusStavros Charalambous
Czech Republic Tomas Melis
DenmarkPetra Svarc
FinlandHeikki Elias Pärssinen
FranceLaetitia SaccentiPierre De Marini
GermanyChristian Bijan FinkCharlotte Wintergerst
GreeceEvgenia EfthymiouOrnella Moschovaki-Zeiger
HungaryZsanett OláhGábor Mohos
IrelandMaha Alkhattab
ItalyEttore di GaetaCarolina Lanza
LatviaNauris ZdanovskisInga Nalivaiko
LithuaniaMantas Buitkus
NetherlandsJip OppermanFenna Rozemond
North MacedoniaAndrea Nancheva Bogoevska Dejan Taneski
PolandMaciej SzmyginMałgorzata Milnerowicz
PortugalInês Conde VascoTiago Paulino Torres
RomaniaAlexandra HusarAndrei Simonov
SerbiaIsidora Svetozarević
SlovakiaJakub Soršák
Slovenia Viktorija KostadinovaMarko Platnjak
SpainIgnacio González-HuebraEva Castro Lopez
Sweden Yngve Forslin
SwitzerlandAdrian KobeGreicy Heymann
TurkeyMuhammed Said Beşler
United KingdomJade Scott-Blagrove

Oncology Alliance Subcommittee (OAS)

The Oncology Alliance Subcommittee was established in 2013 to advise the CIRSE leadership on all questions relating to interventional oncology, guide the society’s activities with regards to IO registries and to propose and develop initiatives that will help IO establish itself as the fourth pillar of cancer care. Flagship projects initiated by the OAS include IASIOS, CIRSE’s membership in ECCO and the European Curriculum and Syllabus for Interventional Oncology. Click here to learn more about the committee and its projects.

Afshin GangiChairperson
Andreas Adam
Thierry de Baère
Laura Crocetti
Thomas Helmberger
Liz Kenny
Jean Palussiere
Philippe Pereira

Radiation Protection Subcommittee

The Radiation Protection Subcommittee was established in 2012 as the society’s expert body on radiation safety, radiation protection and dose management. In 2014, the subcommittee launched CIRSE’s very successful annual awareness campaign for radiation safety, the Radiation Protection Pavilion. The subcommittee also represents CIRSE in the EuroSafe Imaging campaign and in relevant European Commission tenders. Click here to learn more about the committee and its projects.

Peter ReimerChairperson
Irene Bargellini
Elke Gizewski
Werner Jaschke
Alexander König
Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck
Tiago Pereira
Lakshmi Ratnam
Maria Tsitskari
Saygin Tuna
John DamilakisExternal Advisor
Martin FiebichExternal Advisor
Graciano Paulo External Advisor
Roberto M. Sánchez CasanuevaExternal Advisor
Annalisa TrianniExternal Advisor
Jenia Vassileva External Advisor

Social Media Subcommittee

The Social Media Subcommittee advises the Executive Committee on various aspects of its social media strategy. It provides content for the CIRSE social media channels and nominates physicians to provide guest input.

Alex BarnacleChairperson
Evgenia Efthymiou
Julien Garnon
Miltos Krokidis
Ornella Moschovaki-Zeiger
Jim Reekers
Florian Wolf

Other committees

CIRSE 2025 Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee is in charge of the scientific and educational programme of the annual CIRSE congress.

Gerard O'SullivanChairperson
Miltiadis KrokidisDeputy Chairperson
José Andres GuirolaLocal Host Committee Representative
Philippe PereiraCIRSE President
Otto M. van DeldenET 2025 SPC Chairperson
Laura CrocettiECIO 2025 SPC Chairperson
Dimitrios FilippiadisOnline Education Committee Chairperson
Clare Bent
Joo-Young Chun
Stéphanie Franchi-Abella
Francesco Giurazza
Silke Hopf-Jensen
Stephen Kee
Vania Tacher
Christian Wissgott

IDEAS 2025 Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee is in charge of the scientific and educational programme of IDEAS 2025.

Hicham KobeiterChairperson
Fabio Verzini
Deputy Chairperson
Miltiadis Krokidis
CIRSE SPC Representative
Samira Rostampour
Jost Philipp Schaefer
Carla van Rijswijk
Philipp Geisbüsch
Athanasios Katsargyris
Vladimir Makaloski

CIRSE 2025 Local Host Committee

The Local Host Committee organizes promotional activities in the host country to ensure high participation on a regional level and can launch public relations and press activities around the annual congress to enhance public awareness of IR in the region.

Jimena González-NietoChairperson
José Andrés Guirola Ortiz
Anna Alguersuari
Juan Jose Ciampi
Mireia Teixidor
Elena Serrano
Javier Irurzun
Eva Pampin
Fernando Gómez Muñoz
Sergio Moyano
Iñigo Insausti Gorbea
Ana Fernández Martinez

ECIO 2025 Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee is in charge of the scientific and educational programme of ECIO 2025.

Name Role
Laura CrocettiChairperson
Jean PalussièreDeputy Chairperson
Gerard O'SullivanCIRSE SPC Chairperson
Mark BurgmansLocal Host Committee Representative
Philippe L. PereiraCIRSE President
Dirk Arnold
Irene Bargellini
Alex Barnacle
Jerome Durand-Labrunie
Fernando Gomez Muñoz
Boris Guiu
Thomas Helmberger
Roberto Iezzi
Martijn Meijerink
David James Pinato
Anthony Ryan
Stefan Stättner

ECIO 2025 Local Host Committee

The Local Host Committee organizes promotional activities in the host country to ensure high participation on a regional level and can launch public relation and press activities around the annual congress to enhance public awareness of IR in the region.

Mark BurgmansChairperson
Krijn van Lienden
Eva de Graaf
Chris van der Leij
Ijsbrand Zijlstra
Tarik Baetens
Morsal Samim-Nizak
Jurgen Fütterer
Reinoud Bokkers
Sorina Simon

ICCIR 2025 Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee is in charge of abstract review, selecting the faculty, and determining which cases are presented at ICCIR 2025.

Klaus A. HauseggerChairperson
Florian WolfChairperson
Tiago Bilhim
Roberto L. Cazzato
Dimitrios Filippiadis
Peter Minko
Maria Antonella Ruffino

ET 2025 Scientific Programme Committee

The Scientific Programme Committee is in charge of the scientific and educational programme of ET 2025.

Otto van Delden
Pierleone LucatelliDeputy Chairperson
Patrick HaagePast Chairperson
Tiago PereiraLocal Host Committee Representative
Tiago Bilhim
Elika Kashef
Mark Little
Maria Tsitskari
Vincent Vidal
Florian Wolf

ET 2025 Local Host Committee

The Local Host Committee organizes promotional activities in the host country to ensure high participation on a regional level and can launch public relations and press activities around the annual congress to enhance public awareness of IR in the region.

Tiago PereiraChairperson
Tiago Bilhim
Manuela Certo
Ana Isabel Ferreira
Belarmino Gonçalves
Pedro Marinho Lopes
Pedro Sousa

Online Education Committee

The Online Education Programme Committee is in charge of CIRSE’s online education platforms CIRSE Academy and CIRSE Library.

Dimitrios FilippiadisChairperson
Roberto IezziDeputy Chairperson
Maciej SzmyginCoopted member ETF
Colin CantwellCoopted member EBIR
Jose Andres GuirolaCoopted member CIRSE SPC
Fernando Gomez MunozCoopted member ECIO SPC
Tiago PereiraCoopted member ET SPC
Stevo Duvnjak
Irene Bargellini
Aleksandar Gjoreski
Peter Popovic
Silke Hopf-Jensen
Anna Maria Ierardi
Theodoros Kratimenos
Raghu Lakshminarayan
Christina Loberg
Michal Mauda-Havakuk
Tiago Pereira
Pramod Rao
Kristina Ringe
Anthony Ryan
Carla van Rijswijk
Florian Wolf
Kamil Zelenak

EBIR Council

The EBIR Council is in charge of organizing the European Board of Interventional Radiology.

Name Role
Laura CrocettiChairperson
Colin CantwellDeputy Chairperson
Zaid AldinEditor-in-Chief F-type
Katerina KouliaEditor-in-Chief A-type
Associate Editors F-type
Arindam Bharadwaz
Manfred Cejna
Maria Antonella Ruffino
Maria Tsitskari
John Vrazas
Associate Editors A-type
Ignacio Díaz-Lorenzo
Murat Dökdök
Francesco Giurazza
Gabes Lau
Tuan Phan
Associate Editor Online Education
Raman Uberoi
Specialist Certification Reviewer(s) (Endovascular)
Robert Morgan
EBIR Ambassadors
Bharadwaz, Arindam (DK)
Bilhim, Tiago (PT)
Buckley, Brendan (NZ)
Cantwell, Colin (IE)
Cazzato, Roberto Luigi (FR)
Crocetti, Laura (IT)
De Boer, Sanne (NL)
Dökdök, Murat (TR)
Duvnjak, Stevo (DK)
Eyheremendy, Eduardo (AR)
Filippiadis, Dimitrios (GR)
Franke, Mareike (DE)
Giurazza, Francesco (IT)
Goh, Gerard (AU)
Gonçalves, Belarmino (PT)
González Nieto, Claudia Jimena (ES)
Kaufman, John (US)
Kobe, Adrian (CH)
Kölblinger, Claus (AT)
Midulla, Marco (FR)
Mortensen, Chloe (UK)
Reimer, Peter (DE)
Salman, Refaat (SA)
Sommer, Christof-Matthias (DE)
Uberoi, Raman (UK)
Urbano García, José (ES)
Van Delden, Otto (NL)
Yadav, Ajit (IN)

Foundation Board of Trustees

The Foundation Board of Trustees is the Foundation’s highest authority. Membership of the Board of Trustees is fundamentally honorary. The foundation’s aim is to endorse research and education in interventional radiology.

Michael LeeChairperson
Anna-Maria BelliVice Chairperson
Elias Brountzos
Robert A. Morgan
Afshin Gangi
Christoph Binkert

Honours Committee

The Honours Committee shall make nominations to the CIRSE Executive Committee regarding potential recipients of Distinguished Fellowship and the CIRSE Gold Medal.

Jan H. PeregrinChairperson
Michael LeeDeputy Chairperson
Dierk Vorwerk
Elias Brountzos
Anna-Maria Belli

Task forces

In line with CIRSE’s Articles of Association, the Executive Committee can establish expert groups to tackle specific tasks or projects that will help advance interventional radiology. These task forces work towards a specific objective in a defined time frame.

Clinical Services in IR Task Force

The Clinical Services in IR Task Force was created to advance IR as a clinical specialty. Following the publication of the CIRSE Clinical Practice Manual in 2021, this task force will assess the status quo of clinical practice in IR, develop strategies for setting up a clinical service in IR considering varying framework conditions, and contribute to broadening CIRSE’s educational offer in this field. Click here to learn more about the task force and its projects.

Name Role
Andreas H. MahnkenChairperson
Alessandro Cannavale
Joo-Young Chun
Thierry De Baere
Rok Dezman
Stevo Duvnjak
Miltiadis Krokidis
Maria Antonella Ruffino
Anthony Ryan
Jose Urbano

IO Curriculum Revision Task Force

The IO Curriculum Revision Task Force was created to revise and update the European Curriculum and Syllabus for Interventional Oncology.

Laura CrocettiChairperson
Irene Bargellini
Colin Cantwell
Antonia Digklia
Jérôme Durand-Labrunie
Thomas Helmberger
Rüdiger Hoffmann
Shahzad Ilyas
Uwe Martens
Martijn Meijerink
Franco Orsi
Jean Palussière
Pramod Rao
Stefan Stätter

Paediatric IR Task Force

The Paediatric IR Task Force was established to explore the current status of paediatric interventional radiology in Europe. The task force hopes to clarify how PIR is defined and practiced throughout the continent, and to unite a network of PIRs in the effort to support, encourage, and drive clinical excellence in PIR on both local and international levels.

Alex BarnacleCo-chairperson
Ralph GnanntCo-chairperson
Alexia Dabadie
Fernando Gomez
Stéphanie Franchi-Abella
Premal Patel
Moritz Wildgruber
Wibke Uller

Patient Information Task Force

The Patient Information Task Force was created to keep CIRSE’s patient information up to date.

Anthony RyanChairperson
Roberto Luigi Cazzato
Gianmarco Falcone
Kevin Fung
Anas Ismail
Raghu Lakshminarayan
Christina Loberg
Andreas H. Mahnken
Roberto Marcello
Alessandro Posa
Pramod Prabhakar Rao
Mireia Teixidor Viñas

Thyroid Ablation Task Force

The Thyroid Ablation Task Force was established to raise awareness for thyroid ablation. Following an initial survey on thyroid ablation among CIRSE members, this task force will help to enhance CIRSE´s educational offer in this field. Click here to learn more about the task force and its projects.

Giovanni MauriChairperson
Roberto Luigi Cazzato
Bülent Cekic
Eduardo Crespo Vallejo
José Luis del Cura Rodríguez
Teresa Dionisio
Attila Doros
Myrsini Gkeli
Martin Takes